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A little secret

People say to me all the time, “I always want to get a tattoo, but I can never decide on something, and it’s so permanent.” I’m gonna let y’all in on a little secret. Who you are now is going to change. BUT who you are now is going to influence who you will become.…

Dear Diary

Is it healthy to not want to date? Like… is there something wrong with me, that I just don’t want a relationship? That I just want to be single? Not even like, polyamorous vs. monogamous, or even A-Sexual. Like… I just want to be single, and date other people who want to be single. Like…

Handmaid’s tale

I’m watching the Handmaid’s tale with my roommates. A dystopian warning that feels all too possible. As people are being shot on the TV for disobedience, I glance over at my roommate’s screen, and see a news story playing the laptop. The headline reads: “FBI WARNS OF ELECTION MISINFORMATION.” I went on a date last…

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